


1.1. the following UAB "365 Kemperiai", legal entity code 304871598, registered office address Lubinų g. 12a, Avižieniai 14180, Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter - "365 KEMPERIAI"
or the "Company"), the General Terms and Conditions of the Vehicle Rental Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms and Conditions") shall govern,
the process of reservation, handover to the Lessee and return to the Company, the use of the Vehicle, the operation of the Vehicle and the property
the terms and conditions applicable, the Tenant's liability conditions, payment terms and other relationships relating to the order and use of the Services.
1.2 From the moment of confirmation of the Order, as referred to in Clauses 3.2 - 3.3 of the Terms and Conditions, a contractual legal relationship shall be established between the Hirer and the Company,
governed by the terms of the Booking Conditions, the provisions of the Terms and Conditions (including the Appendices), the Company's website, including the Price List, the Fees for the Services, and other
the terms and conditions of the reservation of the Vehicle as individually agreed in writing between the Parties (the "Agreement").
1.3 Before placing an Order for a Vehicle, the Hirer must familiarize himself with the Terms and Conditions, the Service Fees and the Price List. If the Renter submits
order, the Renter shall be deemed to have read and accepted the Terms and Conditions, the Service Fees, the Price List.
1.4 When the Hirer places a Booking for a specific comfort class of Vehicle, the following shall apply to the reservation and use of the Vehicle
the Rules and other sources referred to in point 1.2 of the Rules.
1.5 In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the sources referred to in Clause 1.2, the following order of precedence shall prevail in the interpretation and application of the Agreement:
1.5.1. the order or specific part of the contract (if signed);
1.5.2 Price list, Fees for services;
1.5.3. these Rules;
1.5.4. the information contained on the Website.


2.1. "High Activity Season" means the period from 17 June to 26 August.
2.2. 'Season of moderate activity' means the period of the year from 16 April to 16 June.
2.3 "Low Activity Season" means the period of the year from 27 August to 15 April.
2.4 "Road traffic accident" - the term "road traffic accident" as defined in Article 2(14) of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Safe Road Traffic of the Republic of Lithuania - an accident occurring on a road, in a public
or on private property, where at least one vehicle or load is killed or injured, or at least one vehicle or load is damaged, by a moving vehicle,
the road, its structures or any other property at the scene.
2.5 "Price List" means the prices for the Services and rentals, as well as other fees, fines and charges published on the Site. It can be found here
2.6 "Road traffic rules" means the road traffic rules and related statutory provisions in force in the relevant country.
2.7 "Payment Card" means a valid payment card(s) issued to the Hirer or any other person which the Hirer is entitled to lawfully use
for payment for the Services.
2.8 "Payment Account" means a payment account belonging to the Hirer or any other person linked to the Payment Card.
2.9 "Renter" means a customer of the Company (natural or legal person) who accepts these Terms and Conditions and uses the Services in accordance with the Agreement.
2.10. "Rental Fee" means the fee for the Company's services, which shall be payable in full prior to the time of acceptance of the Vehicle.
2.11. "Use Period" means the period from the commencement of the rental of the Vehicle as specified in the Hirer's confirmed Booking
the moment until the moment the Vehicle is returned to the Lessee.
2.12. "Booking Fee" means the portion of the Rental Fee payable to the Company in advance to secure the Hirer's intention to hire the Vehicle
2.13. "Services" means the Vehicle rental services (excluding related driving services) provided by 365 KEMPERIAI to the Lessee, including the possibility of
Select the Vehicle of the desired comfort class on the Website, make a reservation and use it in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the Terms and Conditions.
2.14. "Service Fees" means the information published on the Website regarding the prices for the Services applicable to a particular Vehicle. This information is an integral part of
part of these Rules.
2.15. "Privacy Policy" means the Company's privacy policy, which contains information about the processing of the Renter's personal data, including
Tenant's rights as a data subject (available at:
2.16. "Contract" means the contract for the provision of the Services to the Hirer. The Contract for the provision of the Services between the Hirer and the Company shall be deemed to have been formed on the Order
at the time of approval, as set out in Chapter 3 of the Rules.
2.17. "Website" means the website accessible at
2.18. "Vehicle" means a motor vehicle provided by 365 KEMPERS to the Hirer for temporary use for a fee in accordance with these Terms and Conditions,
including all other assets belonging to and/or attached to the Vehicle.
2.19. "Order" means an electronic, written or oral request by the Hirer to receive the Services in the comfort class and configuration selected by the Hirer
Expression of acceptance of the vehicle (with its dependants) and of effective acceptance of the terms of the Agreement.
2.20. "Deposit" means the amount of money frozen in the Renter's Payment Account/ the amount of money paid by the Renter by money order or in cash,
which is intended to provide security; to compensate the Company for possible losses incurred by the Company in connection with the Lessee's use of the Vehicle and other property; to reimburse the insurer
reimbursement of non-compensable losses due to damage to the Vehicle; payment of fines and other costs for the determination, regulation and administration of claims
to cover the costs incurred by 365 KEMPERS. The amount of the deposit depends on the comfort class chosen and the additional insurance coverage.
2.21. Other terms used in these Rules shall have the meanings set out in the sources referred to in paragraph 1.2 of these Rules.


3.1 The creation, submission and use of the Services is open to persons who are at least 25 years of age, who have completed the steps set out in these Terms and who meet the following
the requirements set out in these Rules.
3.2 In order to reserve a Vehicle and when placing a Booking, the Hirer must:
3.2.1. to carefully and responsibly read the Terms and Conditions, the Price List, the Privacy Policy (as well as their appendices), to get acquainted with the rates for the Services, the information provided in
On the company's website;
3.2.2. to signify agreement to the Terms and Conditions and other documents and information, as applicable;
3.2.3. provide your name, surname, date of birth, mobile phone number, email address and any other data, information and/or
such documents as may reasonably be requested by 365 KEMPERIAI at the time of placing the Order;
3.2.4. pay to the Company the Booking Fee specified in the Vehicle Order, which will be credited towards the total price of the Services, or the full
The rental price specified in the booking.
3.2.5. it shall be the responsibility of the Hirer to provide the Company with a Payment Card not in the name of the Hirer and, accordingly, the Hirer shall bear all liability for such acts
liability towards the holder of such Payment Card and the bank, payment institution or other payment service provider that issued the Payment Card.
3.2.6.In order to use the Vehicles, the Lessee must have a valid document confirming the right to drive the Vehicles (i.e.
driving licence).
3.3 The Contract shall be deemed to have been concluded with the Hirer from the moment when the Hirer performs the actions set out in Clauses 3.2.1 to 3.2.4 of these Rules and 365
KEMPERIAI shall provide the Renter with a confirmation notice and the Contract Documents in a durable medium.
3.4 The Order is submitted to the Company using the personal account of the Renter created on the Website. The account is deemed to be created in the name of the person whose
the personal data is provided in the Order Form. Such person is deemed to be the Renter.
3.5 In exceptional cases where the Hirer is not technically able to place an Order on the Website, 365 KEMPERS shall enable the Hirer to place an Order
orally/by phone. In such case, the Hirer shall, within seven (7) days of the date of such oral/telephonic Order, appear before the Company and write to
confirm your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions and other documents and information, as applicable, sign the Special Section and pay the Booking Fee.
3.6 If the Lessee does not provide all the data, does not perform all the registration or other actions specified during the Account creation process, 365 KEMPERIAI shall have the right to
Remind the Renter of this and process the data provided by and collected about the Renter for these purposes, as specified in the Privacy Policy.
3.7 In cases where 365 KEMPERS has reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of the data provided by the individual, 365 KEMPERS has the right not to confirm the Account
creation/order, or to prevent a person from using the Services or any part thereof.
3.8 By both creating an Account and reserving a Vehicle, the Hirer shall be deemed to acknowledge (and such acknowledgement shall be valid for the entire duration of the Services)
during the provision of the Account from the creation of the Account until termination of the Agreement) that he/she:
3.8.1. is of legal age to use the Services as set out in the Terms (including any exceptions discussed individually);
3.8.2. has a valid right to drive the Vehicle and will continue to have such right throughout the use of the Vehicle;
3.8.3. have the skills necessary to use the Vehicle;
3.8.4. the Hirer's physical fitness and physical and mental health are sufficient to drive the Vehicle and the Hirer satisfies the other requirements for driving
the requirements, if any, specified in the certificate;
3.8.5. is not drunk and/or under the influence of narcotic drugs or other psychotropic substances, and will remain so throughout the use of the Vehicle;
3.8.6. there are no other reasons why he/she cannot start using the Vehicle in accordance with the applicable law and no such reasons will arise during the whole period of time the Vehicle
during use;
3.8.7. confirms that the Lessee has the right to pay for the Services by Payment Card;
3.8.8. is familiar with the Service Fees, Price List, and other terms and conditions applicable to the ordering and use of the Services;
3.8.9. agrees that the fines and other amounts set out in the Price List may be debited from the Deposit or Payment Card as set out in the Rules
or reserved in a Payment Account;
3.8.10. consents to the collection and processing of personal data necessary for the conclusion and performance of the Contract and for other purposes as set out in the Privacy Policy
in politics.
3.9. by creating an account on the Website and submitting the data and documents necessary for the Renter to be entitled to order and use the Services,
The Renter must provide true, accurate, correct and complete information about himself/herself, including his/her real name, date of birth, mobile phone number and the date of birth.
your phone number and email address, and the details of the other (second) driver. It is forbidden to create an account and register using someone else's,
fake, falsified or illegally collected data, or transfer, sell or rent your account or otherwise grant access to your account
other people. The Renter assumes all risks and liabilities in connection therewith, including if, notwithstanding the insurance referred to above, such acts cause
damage to the Company or any other person.
3.10. The Renter shall carefully, diligently and responsibly protect his/her login data, the data used to create the account, the smart device and
other personal documents, and shall not transmit or otherwise disclose them to any other person, or allow or permit access to or use of them
to use when creating an account or using the Services. The Renter is responsible for the security, confidentiality and
3.11 The Hirer shall ensure that when using any computer, software or other equipment for registration, account creation and/or access, the following is observed
rational and reasonable security measures (including antivirus and firewalls), and accordingly shall be liable for any consequences arising from the failure to
Security of your computer, smartphone, tablet or other device.

General rules

4.1. 365 KEMPERIAI undertakes to ensure that the Vehicle is in good order and suitable for use and operation in accordance with its intended purpose, taking into account
normal and usual wear and tear of the Vehicle.
4.2 Faults and malfunctions that do not affect road safety and will not affect it in the foreseeable future (e.g. external or internal scratches to equipment, components,
abrasions, multimedia equipment malfunctions, sensor malfunctions, heating system malfunctions, refrigerator, stove, toilet malfunctions), as well as
Defects that are not the result of improper maintenance of the Vehicle are not considered defects.
4.3 In using the Services, the Lessee shall, among other things:
4.3.1. must comply with the requirements for the operation of the Vehicle, as well as the requirements for the operation of the Vehicle not mentioned in
these Rules, but shall be deemed to be normal requirements for the use of such assets;
4.3.2. must comply with the Company's instructions, directions and recommendations set out in these Rules and on the Company's website;
4.3.3. at the start of a new journey day and at the time of refuelling, check the oil, coolant, water levels and tyre pressure;
4.3.4. drive carefully, within the speed limit, in a careful, courteous and safe manner, with respect for other road users and persons, observing all
taking the necessary precautions without endangering the safety of other road users, other persons or their property, or the environment;
4.3.5. to drive no more than 400 km (06.17-08.26)/500 km (08.27-06.16) per travel day (the average distance driven per day shall be calculated by dividing the distance travelled during the entire rental period by the number of rental days);
4.3.6. act as a reasonably careful, prudent, responsible and informed person;
4.3.7. be completely sober (0.00 per mille) and not under the influence of psychoactive substances;
4.3.8. must refrain from driving the Vehicle if he/she is ill or tired and driving may endanger road safety or for any other reason
that cannot safely use the Vehicle in accordance with the legal requirements;
4.3.9. shall not have the right to transfer the driving, possession or use of the Vehicle to any other person, shall not sublet the Vehicle, transfer
any rights or obligations under these Terms;
4.3.10. shall not copy, alter or delete the Vehicle's system data, or misappropriate, destroy or otherwise damage the Vehicle
the Vehicle's documents (e.g. technical passport, registration certificate, etc.);
4.3.11. shall not dismantle, repair or modify the Vehicle without the Company's consent; with the Company's consent and under the Company's responsibility, the technician
by remote participation (using modern video call facilities) The Hirer is permitted to carry out minor repairs to the Vehicle
repairs or other similar actions.
4.3.12. must comply with other requirements applicable to the categories of Vehicles which he/she is entitled to drive, as specified in the Driver's
4.3.13. shall not be entitled to carry explosive, flammable, flammable, toxic substances or substances dangerous to human life or health, etc. in the Vehicle
Use naked flames or other sources of fire in or near the vehicle;
4.3.14. must not use the Vehicle for any purpose for which it is not intended, overload the Vehicle, improperly
securing and positioning the load;
4.3.15. comply with the rules of the road;
4.3.16. shall not use the Vehicle in races, competitions or for any other sporting or racing purposes, nor use it as a training vehicle
vehicles, and not to use the Vehicle in overload mode (for carrying heavy loads, etc.) and/or for other
towing vehicles, not using the Vehicle for purposes for which it is not designed or adapted (e.g. not driving in forests, water
water bodies, other impassable areas), not to use the Vehicle for activities prohibited by law or for which the law imposes
specific requirements (e.g. for taxi, shuttle services);
4.3.17. shall keep, preserve and protect the Vehicles, including the property therein, and shall take all reasonable measures to ensure the safety of the Vehicles
security (i.e. locking the Vehicle, closing the windows, turning off the lights and the stereo, etc.);
4.3.18. must ensure that (i) the Vehicle is smoke-free; and (ii) the animals are transported in a specially adapted transport box;
4.3.19. must comply with the requirements of other legislation.
4.3.20. The vehicle can be used in the territory of the European Union, Norway and Switzerland. It is forbidden to transport the Vehicle in
use in other territories, notably Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. If the Lessee wishes to use the Vehicle outside Europe
outside the territories of the Union, Norway, Switzerland, he/she must obtain the prior written consent of the Company.
4.3.21. If, during the Period of Use, the Hirer parks the Vehicle in a pay and display car park or leaves the Vehicle in a pay and display car park,
he/she must pay for the parking of the Vehicle.

Transfer of the vehicle to the Lessee

4.4 The Hirer, by placing a Booking and/or entering into the Contract and paying the Booking Fee or the full Rental Fee, reserves/rents out
Royal, Super Luxury 22-23, Luxury 20-21, Premium 22-23, Family 20-21, Family+ 23, Family+ 20-22, Urban, Caravan 22-23 or VIP Caravan Comfort Vehicle.
4.5 During the high activity season, i.e. from 17 June to 26 August each year, the Hirer's reserved vehicle shall be of the selected comfort class
shall be handed over to the Tenant on weekdays I to V from 13:00 to 17:00 and on weekday VI from 12:00 to 14:00. In the case of Medium and Low Activity Bookings
during the high season (i.e. from 27 August to 16 June), the reserved Vehicle of the Renter's chosen comfort class shall be handed over to the Renter in I-V
weekdays from 9am to 5pm and on the 6th day of the week from 12pm to 2pm 365 KEMPERIAI has the right to provide the Hirer with an early pick-up service for
an additional fee as indicated in the Price List.
4.6 The Hirer shall have the right to add to the list of additional services to be purchased from the Company upon arrival to collect the Vehicle. In this case, the Price List
fixed prices.
4.7 The Hirer or his/her nominee/authorised person (acting under a power of attorney or named in the Booking as a second driver) must arrive at the address specified in the Contract
the time of delivery of the Vehicles to the Lessee and acceptance of the Vehicle. The Lessee may commence use upon acceptance of the Vehicle within
for the rental period specified in the Order/Contract.
4.8 The Vehicle shall be deemed to have been reserved for the Hirer for the full rental period specified in the Booking, and in the event of the Hirer's failure to arrive on time or being late
to accept the Vehicle within the rental period specified in the Order/Contract by the Hirer, the total rental period of the Vehicle being overdue
does not last for long.
4.9. if the Hirer is late in collecting the Vehicle and fails to notify the Company (by telephone, email, etc.) of such delay 365 KEMPERIAI shall be entitled to
terminate the Agreement unilaterally and notify the Lessee of such termination immediately. In such event, the Reservation Fee paid by the Renter
The amount of the Booking Fee shall be non-refundable to the Hirer and the amount of the Booking Fee shall be deemed to be the Company's minimum unprovable loss in the event of termination of the Agreement;
The Company also reserves the right to claim other damages for termination of the Contract. The Parties shall be free to agree, with the agreement of both Parties, on the delayed
transfer clauses, but the agreement must be in writing.
4.10. upon the Lessee's arrival to take delivery of the Vehicle, 365 KEMPERIAI shall provide the Lessee with a form of the Acceptance Certificate and shall offer the Lessee to inspect it carefully.
accept the Vehicle and to note in the acceptance certificate any defects in the Vehicle at the time of acceptance,
signs of wear and tear or use, take photos or video. If the tenant completes the acceptance deed with the defects identified by the tenant, 365
KEMPERIAI shall sign the acceptance-transfer act and hand over to the Renter the Vehicle, its documentation package, keys, etc.
4.11. the act of handing over the Vehicle to the Lessee will be the basis for assessing the condition of the returned Vehicle after the Vehicle has been used
the time it takes for defects and faults to appear.
4.12. if, upon acceptance of the Vehicle by the Hirer, defects or faults in the previous operation of the Vehicle become apparent and the Hirer
have not been specified in the acceptance transfer deed, the Lessee shall immediately inform the Company by calling +370 699 22699 and sending photographs
email and follow the Company's instructions.
4.13. Maximum Use of the Vehicle - the expiry date of the Vehicle's lease term. Late return of the Vehicle
The Hirer must notify the Company (by telephone or email) of the delay and pay the late return fee set out in the Price List for each
the hour of delay and to compensate the Company for its losses to the extent that they are not covered by the late return fee charged and paid. If the Hirer fails to return
Upon expiry of the Vehicle's lease term, 365 KEMPERS shall be entitled to apply to the police for the Vehicle
4.14. If the Lessee anticipates that the period of use of the Vehicle may be exceeded, he/she shall inform the Company thereof no later than 2 days before the end of the term of use of the Vehicle.
hours before the end of the rental period. The maximum period of use of the Vehicle may be extended by mutual agreement of the parties.
4.15. During the period of provision of the Services, 365 KEMPERIAI shall have the right, by giving the Lessee 1 (one) day's written notice (including email or SMS), to
replace the hired Vehicle with another Vehicle of the appropriate category/class and parameters in order to carry out periodic maintenance of the Vehicle
maintenance and repair of the Vehicle, rectify a fault in the Vehicle or carry out any other necessary action. The Lessee, upon receipt of this
the Company's notice referred to in clause (1) above, must authorise the replacement of the Vehicle (including, but not limited to, the return of the Vehicle keys and other
Vehicle accessories, as well as to take all his/her personal belongings from the Vehicle) on a date and time specified by the Company at a place and time agreed between the parties
at the location and accept another Vehicle in accordance with these Regulations.

End of journey. Return of the vehicle

4.16 During the peak season, i.e. from 17 June to 26 August, the Vehicle shall be returned to the Company on weekdays I-V between 9am and 11am. Vehicle
at the pick-up point and on the 6th day of the week from 10am to 12pm. If the return is made during the Mid and Low Activity Season (i.e. 27 August to
16 June) The vehicle must be returned to the Company between 9am and 11am on weekdays I to VI and between 10am and 12pm on weekday VI. 365 CAMPERS have
the right to provide the Renter with a late return service for an additional fee as specified in the Price List.
4.17. If the Hirer returns the Vehicle outside the return hours, including outside the Company's opening hours, the Hirer shall be responsible for
the Vehicle until the next day during the Company's business hours on which inspections of returned Vehicles are carried out, and when a representative of the Company
inspect the Vehicle.
4.18. Before returning the Vehicle, the Renter shall check that the Vehicle is free of his/her personal belongings, dispose of rubbish, fill the fuel tank to
the level that existed at the time of handover of the Vehicle to the Lessee, and shall verify that all documents, accessories and attachments of the Vehicle are in their
locations. Before leaving the Vehicle, the Renter must make sure that the Vehicle is locked, all windows and sunroofs are closed, the lights are off and the accessories are left
In the vehicle.
4.19. Before returning the Vehicle, the Renter shall place the Vehicle key in a designated place (i.e. in a cup holder, a glove box or other
in a conspicuous place), and when returning the Vehicle outside the return hours and outside the Company's opening hours, shall keep the keys until the actual
at the time of handing over the Vehicle to the Company (clause 4.18) or leave it at a place specified by the Company. Leaving the keys at a place specified by the Company
does not relieve the Hirer of responsibility for the Vehicle until the next day of the Company's opening hours for the return of Vehicles
inspection, and when a representative of the Company will inspect the Vehicle.
4.20. The Vehicle must be returned and parked at the place where the Vehicle was collected, where it can be accessed at any time, and in accordance with the Road Traffic
rules and other laws, regulations and restrictions applicable to the parking of Vehicles.
4.21. The Lessee shall return the Vehicle in a condition no worse than that in which it was received, taking into account its normal wear and tear
depreciation. In order to determine the normal depreciation of the Vehicle, the Memorandum prepared by the Association of Lithuanian Car Dealers is used,
published on the association's website and the national roadworthiness test rules. Normal wear and tear does not include, for example:
4.21.1. broken, deformed or otherwise mechanically or thermally damaged parts, devices and mechanisms;
4.21.2. dents, cracks in the paintwork and visible scratches (where the paintwork is damaged down to the primer layer);
4.21.3. wear and tear of the paint layer due to intensive washing and/or cleaning of the Vehicle;
4.21.4. faulty repairs and/or defects resulting from repairs (notwithstanding that the Lessee shall not be entitled, either by itself or through third parties
people to repair the Vehicle);
4.21.5. cracks in bodywork windows;
4.21.6. scratches to the bodywork windows caused by improper use and/or cleaning of the Vehicle;
4.21.7. damage and breakage to the interior, such as burnt or stained seats/mattresses, broken dashboard or other plastic parts,
boot lid, window handles, etc;
4.21.8. damaged body geometry.
4.22. The evaluation of the returned Vehicle after the Vehicle's period of use (rental period) takes place on weekdays I-V from 9am to 11am.
and on the 6th day of the week from 10:00 to 12:00 The Lessee shall in all cases have the right to participate in such assessment, even if the assessment takes place on a day other than the day of the actual transport
on the day of the instrument's return. Failure to exercise/exercise the Lessee's right to participate in the inspection shall not preclude the Company from carrying out and recording such assessment.
any defects, signs of wear and tear or use of the Vehicle at the time of return, take photographs or video and make a record of the Vehicle
an acceptance certificate recording the condition of the vehicle at the time of return, the findings of which shall be binding on the Lessee.
4.23. If the Lessee is involved in the procedure for the return and valuation of the Vehicle, a second original of the acceptance certificate shall be issued to the Lessee
copies. If the Lessee is not present during the return and valuation of the Vehicle, the Lessee shall receive a copy of the acceptance and handover certificate
is provided in a durable medium (by post or email).

Events during the period of use

4.24. If the Vehicle breaks down, if warning signals are activated on the dashboard of the Vehicle, if suspicious extraneous noises are heard or if the Vehicle
the Vehicle cannot continue to be safely operated and used, the Hirer must immediately: (i) cease use of the Vehicle, (ii) notify the
Company by telephone; and (iii) comply with any other instructions of the Company.
4.25. In the event of damage to the Vehicle, to third parties or their property, to the Company or its property in an accident or otherwise, the Hirer shall
immediately notify the Company and, where applicable, the relevant public authorities or services (police, fire brigade, etc.), and complete
the declaration of the accident and/or perform any other necessary acts required by the applicable legislation and necessary to
greater damage to the Vehicle, other property and/or persons is avoided or minimised.

Conditions for use of other assets

4.26. Unless otherwise provided for in the Conditions, the property in the Vehicle, including the Vehicle's accessories (e.g. child seat, crockery, furniture and
Sir. ) and other property in the Vehicle shall be used by the Renter in accordance with the requirements of these Rules.
4.27. Unless otherwise provided for in the Terms and Conditions, the Renter may use the property in the Vehicle, including its dependencies, only for its direct purpose, only
In or with the Vehicle and only while using the Services.
4.28. When using the property contained in the Vehicle, including its accessories, the Lessee shall comply with the instructions for the use of such property and other
4.29. Upon completion of the use of the Vehicle, the Renter shall return the property in the Vehicle, including its accessories, together with the returned
a vehicle in a condition not worse than that in which it was received, taking into account normal wear and tear, and retaining the returned property
in an adapted and/or designated place.

General provisions on compensation

5.1 The Hirer, as the operator of the Major Hazard Source, shall, during the entire period of use of the Vehicle, assume full responsibility for the observance of the Regulations, the legal acts of
breaches and damage caused to the Company, the Vehicle and/or third parties. The Hirer shall be liable for the liability of persons who use the
safety, health, life, as well as damage, destruction or destruction of their own or other persons' property in the vehicle with the Renter (e.g. passengers), or
loss, unless otherwise provided for in the applicable law.
5.2 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall limit the Company's right to pursue third parties who have caused damage to the Company by their acts or omissions,
However, such right of the Company does not limit the above liability of the Lessee.
5.3 For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, damages (losses) suffered by the Company shall include (but not be limited to):
(a) Damage to the Vehicle (including loss of value) and its contents, including dependents;
(b) damage to the Company's reputation, goodwill and goodwill, trademarks and name;
c) all costs relating to the transport, storage, cleaning, parking, repair of the Vehicle (whether actually incurred or not
incurred, but identified and assessed by the damage assessor as necessary to repair the Vehicle);
(d) costs related to the assessment, detection, regulation and administration of damage;
(e) costs related to the sale, disposal of the Vehicle;
(f) the costs of debt recovery;
(g) indirect losses (e.g. loss of income, vehicle downtime);
(h) expenditure to prevent or reduce damage.
5.4 Without limiting the application of any provisions of these Terms and Conditions, the Hirer shall be fully liable for any damage to the Vehicle and the Company:
5.4.1. if the Vehicle or any part of it is stolen or damaged as a result of the driver leaving the windows, sunroof, doors unlocked etc;
5.4.2. in the event of theft of or damage to the Vehicle or parts thereof by persons who have used the Vehicle with the Hirer or with the Hirer's knowledge and consent.
5.5 The Hirer shall not be liable for damage to the Vehicle, the Company or other persons where:
5.5.1. such breaches or damage are caused by the fault of the Company and/or third parties (other than the fault of third parties referred to in Clause 5.6 of the Terms and Conditions for which
is the responsibility of the Renter);
5.5.2. faults in the Vehicle are the result of previous use of the Vehicle or normal wear and tear, provided that the Lessee
immediately informed the Company and complied with the Company's instructions;
5.5.3. there are other lawful grounds limiting or eliminating the Renter's liability (e.g. force majeure, governmental actions, etc.).
5.6 In the event that a breach of the Rules or other acts referred to therein is committed by and/or causes damage to the Company and/or other persons, including the Hirer, by
a third party to whom the Lessee, by its active or passive acts and/or omissions, directly or indirectly, intentionally or negligently, allows,
consents to, transfers or otherwise authorises, or enables or otherwise creates the conditions for a third person or group of third persons to enter into, possess and/or otherwise
use the Vehicle, their accessories and/or your Account, or prevent or prevent the use of the Vehicle, their accessories and/or your Account:
5.6.1. the Lessee shall assume all risks, liability and damages for violations of the Rules, laws and/or damages caused by the acts or omissions of third parties
damage to the Company and/or third parties;
5.6.2. the penalties, damages, other liability measures and all their consequences referred to in the Regulations shall apply to the Renter, assuming that such
the acts and breaches were committed and the damage caused by the Tenant;
5.6.3. all other consequences of such acts and omissions shall apply to the Renter, assuming that such acts/omissions were committed by the Renter.


5.7 The Rules deal with fines and the conditions, principles and procedures for their application, and the specific types of fines and their specific amounts are set out in the Price List, which
may be updated periodically. The price list is available on the Website. In addition, the Renter shall be provided with the Price List applicable to each reservation and in force at that time
must be made available to you before confirming each reservation/Order.
5.8 The penalties referred to in the Terms and Conditions and listed in the Price List shall be deemed to be a predetermined, future, undisputed and unprovable loss of the Company,
including damages to the Company's reputation, goodwill and goodwill, trademarks and name, as well as to the Company's image, and including any other
any inconvenience, hardship, etc. suffered by the Company as a result of the Hirer's failure or improper compliance with the requirements of the Rules, i.e.
is caused by unlawful acts of the Tenant. All penalties to which the Renter is subject under these Terms and the amounts of which are set out in the Price List,
are intended, firstly, to ensure the proper performance of the Lessee's obligations under these Conditions and, secondly, to compensate the Company for its losses, and therefore
shall not be interpreted or construed as punitive damages intended to penalise the Lessee, even if they are referred to as "penalties".
5.9 All penalties set out in the Terms and Conditions shall be net of any losses incurred by the Company. In addition, upon payment by the Lessee of the amount specified in the Price List
the fine shall be liable to compensate the Company for any additional amount or type of loss not covered by the fine. Payment of the fine shall not exempt
the Lessee from the obligation to indemnify the Company for all other losses incurred by the Company which are not covered by the fine paid. Furthermore, the imposition of a fine shall not relieve
the Lessee from the obligation to perform other obligations provided for in these Terms and Conditions and/or by law, insofar as the substance and content of such obligations
is not covered or replaced by a fine paid by the Renter. All cases of individual types of damage (loss) caused by individual acts of the Renter shall be determined and assessed
separately, even if they are triggered at the same time. Compensation for separate/different types of loss/damage caused by such separate acts (by way of fine and
(and/or indemnification) shall not be mutually exclusive and shall apply separately to each such type of damage and to the act of the Renter that caused it.
5.10. the Hirer must pay to the Company a penalty of the amount specified in the Price List in the following cases (the list of cases is indicative only, not exhaustive, and the list of penalties is exhaustive
see the Price List):
5.10.1. for damage to or loss of the Vehicle, accessories or equipment;
5.10.2. for smoking in the Vehicle;
5.10.3. for dangerous, hooligan or reckless driving, speeding;
5.10.4. for a soiled, dirty Vehicle when it becomes dirtier than in normal use (e.g. off-road driving,
forests, water bodies, shallow marshes, mountains, in areas accessible only by special vehicles or specially prepared
in cars, or breaking traffic rules, etc.);
5.10.5. for driving under the influence of alcohol (over 0.00 per mille), drugs or other psychoactive substances (or when the Renter has consumed alcohol
or other intoxicating substances after the accident until the circumstances of the accident have been established, or has evaded a drunkenness or impairment test (within the meaning of these Regulations)
drunkenness and intoxication as defined by law). The Hirer shall pay to the Company the amount specified in the Price List
a fine of up to 0.00 % for driving under the influence of alcohol (over 0.00 per mille), drugs or other psychoactive substances, and in cases where he/she
handed over the vehicle or otherwise made it possible for another person to drive it while under the influence of alcohol (over 0.00 per mille) or drugs
or other psychoactive substances, or such a person has evaded a drink-drive test;
5.10.6. for the theft, loss or misappropriation of the Vehicle or any property contained therein;
5.10.7. for allowing other persons to use the Hirer's Account or hired Vehicle;
5.10.8. for breach of any other provisions of these Rules or the law.
5.11. the Hirer shall not acquire any rights of ownership of the Vehicle or any rights of recourse against the Company or the Vehicle upon payment of a fine to the Company or indemnification of the Company
the owner of the vehicle.
5.12. In the event that the Hirer loses the keys to start the Vehicle, the Hirer shall pay to the Company the penalty specified in the Price List, which shall be
is intended to compensate the Company for losses incurred by the Company in connection with the prevention, prevention, detection and administration of such events, and must also compensate
all the costs of acquiring (manufacturing) and programming the key.
5.13. The fine for driving under the influence of alcohol (over 0.00 per mille), drugs or other psychoactive substances (or when
The tenant has consumed alcohol or other intoxicating substances after the accident before the circumstances of the accident were established, or has evaded a drunkenness or impairment test) is
shall be deemed to be a loss to the reputation, goodwill and goodwill of the Company, agreed in advance between the Lessee and the Company, which shall be undisputed and unprovable,
trademarks and name, its corporate principles, as well as the Company's social image, and is intended to indemnify the Company against all other
inconveniences, constraints, etc. suffered by 365 KEMPERIAI as a result of the Lessee's failure to comply or improperly comply with the requirements of the Rules. Discussed at
the fine also serves as a test of the Renter's obligation to drive under the influence of alcohol (not exceeding 0.00 per mille), drugs or other psychoactive substances
the provision of materials, as described in more detail in these Rules, and the related preventive function.

Losses caused by the accident

5.14. Subject to the exceptions set out in Clause 5.15 of the Regulations, in the event of damage to the Vehicle or other damage to the Company as a result of an accident
damage and the Hirer is at fault for the accident, the Hirer shall indemnify the Company for the amount of the damage caused by the accident up to a maximum of 1500 (one thousand five hundred)
and shall not be liable to compensate the Company for any additional losses resulting from such event. In such event, 365 KEMPERS shall bear all remaining costs arising from such event
damages in excess of EUR 1 500 (one thousand five hundred euros). If the damage caused by the Lessee to the Company as a result of such an event is less than the amount specified in
1500 (one thousand five hundred) euros, the Lessee shall indemnify the Company accordingly. The amount of 1500 (one thousand five hundred)
The amount of EUR 1,5 million is derived from and equal to the amount of the compulsory deductible (excess) applicable under the Company's CASCO insurance contract with the insurance company.
5.15. In the following cases, if the Vehicle has been damaged in an accident or other damage has been caused to the Company, and the accident was caused by
Lessee, the Lessee shall indemnify the Company against all damages, which shall not be limited to the amount specified in Clause 5.14 of the Rules:
where the damage occurred while the Vehicle was taking part in any type of sporting event, race or training session;
(a) when the Vehicle has been driven by a person who is not so entitled;
(b) when the Vehicle is used for purposes for which it was not designed or intended (including when the accident occurred while off-road
designated areas (frozen water bodies, forests, grasslands, etc.)
(c) where the person is not entitled to drive such category or all Vehicles, or the Vehicle is being operated by an unauthorised person (including
a person to whom the Vehicle has been transferred by the Hirer in breach of these Conditions);
(d) when the driver has used the Vehicle under the influence of alcohol (over 0.00 per mille), drugs or other psychoactive substances (as follows
also if the Renter has consumed alcohol or other intoxicating substances after the accident before the circumstances of the accident are established, or has avoided drinking or
breathalyser test);
(e) where the damage was caused intentionally or through gross negligence (e.g. speeding, dangerous or hooligan driving, other serious traffic offences)
(f) when the Hirer leaves the scene of the incident;
(g) when the Hirer fails to comply with the instructions of the traffic police or other competent authorities;
(h) when the Hirer uses the Vehicle to commit a criminal offence;
(i) where the Lessee is in breach of the obligations set out in Clause 5.17 of the Regulations.

Losses caused by non-traffic accidents

5.16. The Lessee shall maintain the Vehicle during the rental period, ensure its proper condition and return it at the end of the rental period
the Company the Vehicle and its accessories in the condition in which it was received, subject to normal wear and tear. If the Hirer is not involved in an accident
damage to the rented Vehicle or its accessories (e.g. various scratches on the bodywork, damage to the interior of the Vehicle,
dirt, etc.), he/she shall indemnify the Company in full against all damages caused by such deterioration.

Damage (loss) caused to third parties as a result of a traffic accident. Insurance

5.17. In the event of an accident, the Renter is obliged to comply with the Law on Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance of Operators of Vehicles of the Republic of Lithuania
duties, including:
(a) take all reasonable measures available to him to minimise any damage, take all appropriate measures to provide medical assistance to the victims, in accordance with
the possibilities to protect victims' property;
(b) immediately report the accident to the police in the cases provided for in the Road Traffic Regulations;
(c) in the cases provided for by law, to complete an accident report, drawing a diagram of the accident, describing the circumstances of the accident and giving all
for road users to sign;
(d) provide the other parties to the accident with the information necessary to identify the insurance undertaking that insured his civil liability;
(e) notify the Company of the event without delay.
5.18. The Renter shall indemnify or otherwise compensate third parties for damage caused to them in the event of an accident (or the following amounts
to the civil liability insurer) in cases where, due to the fault of the Renter or for other reasons for which the Company is not responsible, the insurer refuses to pay
insurance payout under a third-party liability insurance policy:
a) the Lessee has breached the obligations set out in Clause 5.18 of the Rules;
(b) the circumstances referred to in point 5.15 of the Rules exist;
(c) the damage occurred while the Vehicle was not engaged in public road traffic: it was in a garage, repair shop, other place not intended for road traffic, was
used for off-road work;
(d) in cases where the damage exceeds the amount provided for in the Motor Third Party Liability Insurance Policy, or the insurer, the Lithuanian Transport
the Motor Insurers' Bureau, etc., refuses to pay the insurance benefit for other reasons not attributable to the Company;
e) in cases where, due to the fault of the Renter, the Motor Third Party Liability Insurance Policy is invalid or the insurer refuses to pay the insurance

Determination of damages. Damage adjustment

5.19. In the event that 365 KEMPERIAI suffers damages (unless the amount of the damages falls within the amounts of damages (penalties) agreed in advance between the parties, the amounts of which are provided for in
Price List), the amount of damage (amount of loss) suffered by the Company shall be determined by the Company using its own service damage assessors and/or other such services
5.20. The Company or an assessor appointed by the Company shall, upon receipt of the initial information, conduct an investigation of the damage/impairment event, which may include interviewing the Tenant,
witnesses to the accident, inspect the vehicle and the scene, and contact the relevant law enforcement, law and order, and medical and medical examination bodies,
organisations that maintain lists of psychoneurological, toxicological and narcological registers, as well as other organisations, undertakings or institutions.
Photographs, videos and tests are taken where necessary. At all times during the damage detection and investigation, the Lessee shall have the right to provide additional material, explanations
the Company and/or its appointed valuer.
5.21. Damage to the Vehicle and damage (loss) suffered by the Company shall be determined and assessed in accordance with the valuation of vehicles, other property and
determination methodologies, damage assessment methodologies and rules, or in accordance with the Company's minimum indemnities set out in the Price List
For the company. In the event that 365 KEMPERIAI suffers damage (except where the amount of the damage falls within the amounts of damages (penalties) agreed by the parties in advance and the amounts of which are set out in the Price List), the amount of the damage (amount of the damage) suffered by 365 KEMPERIAI shall be determined by 365 KEMPERIAI with the assistance of 365 KEMPERIAI's own service damage assessors and/or other such service providers. Vehicles are covered by the manufacturer's warranty and all parts shall be replaced only with new original parts at an authorised repairer. This condition is also taken into account in the assessment. Upon receipt of the documents and/or invoice referred to in Clauses 5.22 - 5.23 of the Terms and Conditions, the Lessee shall pay the invoice within 5 (five) days (unless the Lessee exercises its right under Clause 5.23 of the Terms and Conditions). If 365 KEMPERIAI still holds the Deposit paid by the Tenant on the date of submission of these documents, 365 KEMPERIAI shall set off the amount of the fines/fees/additional charges against the Deposit (by informing the Tenant), and in the event that the amount of the Deposit is insufficient, the remaining amount shall be paid by the Tenant in accordance with the above procedure.
5.22. The Company or an assessor appointed by the Company shall inform the Lessee of the damage assessment process and, following the damage assessment, shall provide the Lessee with
an information note and/or report, an estimate and related documents and information. The conclusions of the Company or its appointed valuer shall be binding
to the tenant, unless it is proved, in accordance with the procedure set out in paragraph 5.23 of these Rules, that they are materially inconsistent with the actual situation.
5.23. The Lessee may submit reasoned objections to the damage assessment carried out by the Company or an assessor appointed by the Company within 5 (five) days,
by submitting a damage assessment report from an independent certified (licensed) assessor engaged by him/her, which is appropriate for such an assessment
and the legal requirements for documents ("Alternative Damage Report"). The Alternative Damage Report submitted by the Lessee and other documents submitted to the Company
The documents provided by the Lessee shall be assessed together with other information collected and prepared by the Company and its appointed valuer and other service providers. Among
In the event of disagreement between the parties as to the amount of the damage, the Company's surveyor shall make a final determination on the matter and his findings shall be binding on the Company and the Lessee.
The Renter shall bear all costs related to the Alternative Damage Report and to the work of the independent damage assessor hired by him/her or other third parties.
5.24. The Lessee shall bear the costs of damage detection, adjustment and administration costs incurred by the Company, as well as all costs of alternative or
the costs of any additional investigation or damage assessment incurred by the Lessee in exercising the rights provided for in Clause 5.23 of the Conditions.

Additional fees

5.25. If the Hirer violates traffic rules when using the Vehicle, 365 KEMPERS shall be entitled to charge an administration fee of
listed in the Price List. The Administration Fee is intended to cover the Company's minimum costs associated with the administration of such breach.
5.26. All fines imposed on the Renter by any state for traffic offences shall be borne by the Renter.
5.27. The Lessee shall pay the Lessee's toll for the use of the Goods Vehicles in accordance with the statutory procedure. Renter
must independently verify that the country he is visiting is on the Green Card (third party liability insurance) list and, in the case of a country on that list
no, the Renter must take out compulsory motor third party liability insurance before entering that country in his own vehicles
with funds from.
5.28. In the cases provided for in the Rules, the Lessee shall also be obliged to pay the Company's costs incurred in connection with the administration of any damage or debt caused by the Lessee
costs, unless these costs are already included in the amount of the penalty in the Price List.
5.29. The Renter shall also be obliged to pay any other additional charges specified in the Price List.

Conditions for payment of fines, surcharges, other amounts

5.30. The Company shall automatically debit the amount of the penalty and/or additional charges specified in the Price List from the Deposit as well as the Payment Account/Payment Card,
if you have their details and the ability to do so. The write-off shall be made as soon as the irregularity is detected, duly recorded and notified in advance
the Tenant is informed (by email or otherwise).
5.31. Upon receipt of the documents and/or invoice referred to in Clauses 5.22 - 5.23 of the Rules, the Lessee shall pay the invoice within 5 (five) days (except in cases when the Lessee
exercising his/her right under point 5.23 of the Rules).
5.32. If 365 KEMPERIAI still holds the Tenant's Deposit as at the date of submission of these documents, 365 KEMPERIAI shall make a penalty/fines/additional charges
set-off against the Security Deposit (by informing the Tenant), and if the Security Deposit is insufficient, the remaining amount shall be paid by the Tenant in accordance with Clause 5.31.
5.33. Given that the Security Deposit is intended to secure the Lessee's obligations under the Agreement, 365 KEMPERS shall be entitled to withhold the Security Deposit/partial part thereof for 60 days.
calendar days from the date of return of the Vehicle to the Company.
Company liability

Company liability

5.34. shall be responsible for the performance of its obligations under these Rules and shall indemnify the Hirer against any loss caused by the improper performance of the Company's obligations, only
in the event that such loss is caused by the fault of the Company.
5.35. Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that such limitations of liability are permitted by applicable law, 365 KEMPERS shall not be liable for:
(a) damages suffered by the Lessee as a result of delays (e.g. late arrival, etc.), missed deadlines, etc., in connection with the use of
(b) any damage caused by the Renter to third parties or their property through the use of the Services;
c) damage to the Renter's property, health or life caused by the Renter's use of the Services;
(d) loss of profits, revenue, loss of business, failure to enter into agreements or contracts, damage to software, data or information
loss of use or enjoyment, loss of reputation, or damage to reputation;
e) the Hirer's losses incurred by him/her as a result of being unable to use the Vehicle in the event of an accident or other circumstances beyond the control of the Company
for reasons beyond their control;
(f) damages in excess of the cost of the Services not rendered or not properly rendered.
5.36. If 365 KEMPERIAI fails to ensure the proper provision of the Services to the Hirer (i.e. the specific reservation of the Vehicle during the validity of the reservation
comfort class Vehicle is not available with the Company or is not operable), 365 KEMPERIAI shall be liable at the Company's option:
a) Offer the Renter, free of charge, another Vehicle of at least the same comfort class;
b) Offer the Hirer a lower comfort class Vehicle and a discount, the amount of which shall be calculated by determining the Service Charge
the price difference between different comfort classes;
c) Offer to terminate the Contract, refund the Reservation Fee paid.


6.1 For the use of the Services, the Hirer shall pay to the Company the price set out in the Fees for the Services and in force at the time of booking the Services, as well as
pay any additional charges specified in the Price List.
6.2 The Renter must pay for the Services no later than the beginning of the trip.
6.3 The Company shall issue an invoice for the Services and send it to the Hirer by email.
6.4 Upon receipt of the invoices, the Lessee shall check the invoices within 5 (five) working days to ensure that they are correct and notify the Company if any discrepancies are found.
The Renter must, within 5 (five) working days of receipt of the invoice, make any claims relating to the information in the invoices. If
If the Renter does not make any claims within the above time limit, the Renter shall be deemed to have accepted the invoice.
6.5 If the Hirer wishes the invoice to be re-invoiced or corrected through no fault of the Company (e.g. where the Hirer provides incorrect
the particulars of the invoice or the natural person must be invoiced by a legal person), such invoicing or correction shall be subject to an additional
the fee specified in the Price List.
6.6 In the event that the Lessee fails to pay the Company when due and within an additional reasonable period of time specified by the Company, 365 KEMPERIAI shall have the right to
authorise a debt collection company to carry out debt recovery actions or to transfer its claim against the Tenant to a debt collection company or other economic operators
entities. The personal data of the Tenant held by the Company for the purposes of debt collection, administration, damage assessment and management, etc. may include
to public authorities and/or bailiffs, other persons and bodies entitled to receive and process such data.
6.7 If the Hirer fails to return the Vehicle, 365 KEMPERIAI shall be entitled to suspend the provision of the Services to the Hirer, block the Vehicle, and
use, unlocking and/or starting the Vehicle, as well as to notify the police of the unauthorised appropriation of the Vehicle.
6.8 All amounts payable by the Hirer to the Company hereunder shall be paid, debited and credited in the following order:
6.8.1. fines;
6.8.2. compensation for damages (indemnity);
6.8.3. other additional fees and charges payable to the Company;
6.8.4. arrears for Services provided.

Gifts, discounts, coupons

6.9 The Hirer may purchase or receive from another person a gift voucher or discount voucher or 365 KEMPERIAI as compensation for the Hirer's expenses incurred by
inconvenience or expense incurred in using the Services, may, at its discretion, provide the Hirer with a gift, discount voucher or other incentive (hereinafter referred to as
Voucher), which the Renter is entitled to use to pay for the Services.
6.10. The Company offers Vouchers in various denominations and sizes.
6.11. the Voucher does not constitute a guarantee or undertaking by the Company that 365 KEMPERS will continue to provide, on the same terms and conditions and in the same manner, the services provided at the time of purchase of the Voucher, indefinitely
6.12. a VAT invoice shall be issued for the Services rendered in accordance with the procedures and terms set out in the Terms and Conditions, and the Voucher shall be deemed to entitle the Voucher holder to the relevant amount of
a discount for the Services, which will reduce the price of the Services accordingly.
6.13. The validity period of the Voucher and its code shall be indicated on the Website or on the Voucher itself. If the Coupons are not used in full within their validity period, they are deemed,
that the Service has been provided to the Customer, such Voucher shall be void.
6.14. The unused amount of a Voucher issued to a particular Renter for the Services cannot be transferred to another person's account and is not refundable upon deletion or cancellation
6.15. The voucher is not redeemable for cash and may not be returned, transferred, etc. after purchase.
6.16. The Company reserves the right not to accept the Coupon Code, to suspend or cancel the amount of credits available under the Coupon, or to otherwise restrict the provision of the Services, if
the Renter's actions give rise to reasonable suspicion that the Voucher is counterfeit, or that the Voucher is being used fraudulently, illegally or in any other way in breach of the Terms and Conditions
or the requirements laid down by the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania.


7.1 The Hirer shall have the right to terminate the Contract for any reason at any time and to request the deactivation of the Hirer's Account by notifying the Company. Upon receipt by the Company of
The Tenant shall terminate the Agreement and deactivate the Account within 7 (seven) days at the latest. Termination of the Agreement
shall not relieve the Lessee from the performance of its obligations arising prior to the termination of the Agreement.
7.2. in the event of the Lessee's withdrawal from the Contract/request to withdraw from the Order which was to be carried out during the High Activity Season (17 June -
26 August):
7.2.1. sixty (60) days or more before the date of delivery of the Vehicle to the Hirer as set out in the confirmed Order, the Hirer shall
a full refund of any amounts paid.
7.2.2. less than sixty (60) but not more than thirty (30) days prior to the date of handover of the Vehicle as set out in the confirmed Order
date, the Lessee shall have the right to postpone the lease term of the Vehicle for another period free of charge (upon agreement with the Lessor and upon conclusion of
a new Order to which the sums previously paid by the Lessee shall be credited), or shall pay to the Company a termination penalty equal to
50% For booking fee. This penalty will be deducted from the Booking Fee (or the rental price paid prior to cancellation) and the remaining amount will be refunded
within 7 (seven) days;
7.2.3. less than thirty (30) days before the date of delivery of the Vehicle to the Hirer as set out in the confirmed Order, the Hirer shall have the right to
reschedule the Lease for another period (subject to agreement with the Lessor and a new Booking, to which the Lessee's previous payments will be credited)
monetary amount) or shall pay to the Company a termination penalty equal to the 100% Booking Fee. This penalty shall be deducted from the Reservation
fee (or the rent paid prior to cancellation) and the remaining amount (if any) shall be refunded to the Renter within 7 (seven) days.
7.3. in the event of the Lessee withdrawing from the Contract/requesting to withdraw from a Booking which was to be carried out during the Low and Medium Activity Season (i.e.
27 August - 16 June):
7.3.1. 7 (seven) days or more before the date of delivery of the Vehicle to the Hirer as set out in the confirmed Order, the Hirer shall
a full refund of any amounts paid.
7.3.2. less than seven (7) days before the date of handover of the Vehicle to the Hirer as set out in the confirmed Order, the Hirer shall
the right to reschedule the Rental Term (subject to agreement with the Lessor and the conclusion of a new Order, to which the Lessee's previous payments would be credited)
monetary amount) or shall pay to the Company a termination penalty equal to the 100% Booking Fee. This penalty shall be deducted from the Reservation
7.4. the Company shall have the right, on its own initiative, in the absence of fault on the part of the Lessee, as well as in the event of other important reasons and/or in the cases and under the conditions stipulated by the legislation
terminate the Agreement by giving the Lessee 7 (seven) days' notice. In this case, the Company shall refund the Reservation Fee/Rental Fee paid to the Renter
the full amount of the tax.
7.5 The Company shall have the right to terminate the Contract by immediately informing the Lessee in the following cases (termination due to the fault of the Lessee):
7.5.1. when the Vehicle has been driven by a person who does not have such a right;
7.5.2. when the Vehicle is used for purposes for which it was not designed or intended;
7.5.3. when the driver has used the Vehicle under the influence of alcohol (over 0.00 per mille), drugs or other psychoactive substances (as follows
also if the Renter has consumed alcohol or other intoxicating substances after the accident until the circumstances of the accident have been established, or if the Renter has avoided being drunk or intoxicated
7.5.4. where the Hirer has caused damage to the Vehicle intentionally or through gross negligence (e.g. by speeding, dangerous or hooligan behaviour)
driving, other serious infringements of road traffic rules);
7.5.5. in the case of hooliganism and dangerous driving;
7.5.6. when the Renter leaves the scene of the accident;
7.5.7. when the Renter does not comply with the instructions of the traffic police or other competent authorities;
7.5.8. when the Lessee uses the Vehicle to commit a criminal offence;
7.5.9. when the Lessee fails to notify the Company, the police, the fire brigade and/or other competent authorities or services of an accident;
7.5.10. where the Hirer is in serious breach of these Rules and/or systematically fails to comply with the Rules, and/or other objective circumstances exist which
In the opinion of the Company, the Hirer poses a danger to other Hirers, customers, the public, the Company or the Vehicle;
7.5.11. for other compelling reasons, as well as in the cases and under the conditions provided for by law.
7.6. in the event that the Company terminates the Agreement with the Lessee in accordance with the procedures and conditions set out in the Rules:
7.6.1. the provision of the Services is terminated;
7.6.2. the performance of the Company's obligations in connection therewith is terminated;
7.6.3. the Hirer must immediately end the journey (if notice of cancellation is received during the journey) and return the Vehicle
For the company;
7.6.4. upon sufficient grounds and objective reasons (e.g. the Hirer continues to use the Vehicle illegally, refuses to return the Vehicle, refuses to return the Vehicle to the Rental Company)
Vehicle), 365 KEMPERIAI shall have the right to block the use, unlocking and/or starting of the Vehicle, as well as to take back the Vehicle
in the absence of the Lessee.
7.7 In the event of termination of the Contract with the Hirer for any reason whatsoever, 365 KEMPERS shall be entitled, at its option and discretion, to claim damages in respect of
damages for termination, as well as to restrict or prohibit the Lessee's ability to enter into the Contract in the future and to use the Company's Services
for a specified period.
7.8. subject to the grounds, procedure and terms set out in the Privacy Policy, 365 KEMPERS shall have the right to continue to process the following information after termination of the Agreement and deactivation of the Account
Tenant's data necessary to achieve the purposes set out in this section of the Rules and the Privacy Policy.


8.1 The Company shall have the right to unilaterally amend these Terms and Conditions by notifying the Hirer by e-mail; amendments to the Terms and Conditions shall also be indicated on the Website.
Amendments to the Rules shall come into force 7 (seven) days after they are notified to the Lessees. If the Renter orders the Services (makes a reservation)
in accordance with the amended Terms and Conditions, the Lessee shall be deemed to have accepted the amendments thereto. In respect of bookings already made and trips commenced, the following shall apply in all cases
The version of the Rules in force at the time of booking.
8.2 The Company shall have the right to unilaterally change the rates for the Services, the Price List and other booking conditions at any time by posting them on the Website. Such changes
shall enter into force upon their publication on the Website. For bookings already made (trips already started), the rates in force at the time of booking will apply.
8.3 For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, the Hirer shall be deemed to have been duly notified in writing on the day after:(i) an email is sent to the Hirer
to the email address indicated in your account
8.4 The Hirer shall be deemed to have duly notified the Company in writing on the day after (i) the Hirer sends an email from the email address provided in the Account
by email to the Company at In cases where the Tenant is obliged under the Rules to inform the Company immediately
Company, such obligation of the Lessee shall only be deemed to have been duly performed upon notification to the Company by means of instantaneous communication, i.e. by telephone.
8.5 The Company shall have the right to unilaterally assign some or all of its rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions and/or the Contract to a third party by (i) giving prior notice to
the Lessee or all Lessees in writing (by means of a general notice by electronic means), and (ii) after ensuring that such transfer will not result in a reduction in the
Scope of tenant rights.
8.6 All rights not expressly granted to the Hirer under the Terms and Conditions shall be vested in the Company. 365 KEMPERIAI shall have the right to continue to use after termination of the Agreement
Content provided by the Renter that cannot be used in any environment other than the Company's e-shop, or that relates solely to the Renter's activities using the
e-shop, or which is linked to other data of the Company and cannot be disassociated or can only be disassociated with disproportionate effort, or
which has been created by the Renter together with other persons and other customers or persons may continue to use the content.
8.7 The Lessee shall not have the right to, and shall not permit any third party to:
8.7.1. create or register any tags, domains, software program names or names, or social networking Tenant names or
profiles that contain the Company's names, marks or works, or confusingly or substantially similar marks, names, names or works;
8.7.2. use the Company's names, marks or artwork as your social media profile picture or wallpaper;
8.7.3. not to register, display, use, copy and/or claim ownership of names, signs, marks or works for any purpose or in any manner,
or any confusingly or substantially similar name, mark, sign, designation or work, alone or in combination with other letters, punctuation marks,
words, symbols, drawings and/or other creative works or elements, with the exceptions set out above.
8.8 The invalidity of any provision of the Rules shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Rules. Any such invalid, illegal or unenforceable
Point 4.1 shall be deemed to be repealed.
8.9 Any claim in respect of the Services must be made no later than one month after the date on which you become aware (or should have become aware) of the inadequate provision of the Services.
365 KEMPERIAI will endeavour to respond to the Lessee's claim as soon as possible, but no later than within 14 (fourteen) calendar days of receipt of the claim. If 365
KEMPERIAI does not satisfy or only partially satisfies the Tenant's claim, the Tenant, being a consumer (in the case of Business Tenants, hereinafter referred to as
is not applicable) have the right to contact the national consumer protection authority, the State Consumer Rights Protection Office (,
telephone number 85 262 67 51; requests or complaints may be sent by e-mail to or by ordinary post to the addresses of the territorial units This provision shall in no way limit the Lessee's right to seek redress from the competent
the court.
8.10. All disputes and disagreements between the parties shall be settled by the competent courts of the Republic of Lithuania. These Terms and Conditions shall be interpreted and applied in accordance with the
Republic law.
8.11. The Lessee may contact the Company by phone +370 699 22699 or by e-mail for any questions arising from these Terms and Conditions.

Last updated: November 2023

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